So I went to the Go Mag awards in the city Tues night. I know there was no need to leave work early for this one, esp since I could care less of lesbian awards for parties, mostly because you can find me at the gay boy parties instead; mostly because there is actual music thats amazing+ dancing going on. Even though the socializing at the girl parties is nice too, but the problem is is that you never know whos single and who is taken...
I was supposed to meet a couple friends there, but by the time I got there, it was overpacked and we never made a meeting spot which was pretty dumb. I decided to try my luck and get ready for when MRod came on to DJ, who knew?! Its not lik her acting career is over, she is just dipping into another area of expertise I guess... So somehow with my see through neon fishnet tank I recently bought, I snuck past security on the steps none the less, mostly bc I am a pro at this point w sneaking and slipping into parties and where I am not supposed to be. I just simply acted like I 'belonged' and walked rite past security.
Michelle didn't come on until after the awards were all handed out and 2 really horrible acts came on stage and performed. I kept checking out the DJ booth in case she was up there. Of course it figures she walked into the booth the moment I wasn't there checking lol... There were a few other girls there with their gfs of course who were also big fans. As usual, I was single and by myself.... which I didn't give a damn at that moment, bc I came there with a mission; and that was to meet Michelle and get my photo w her.
I am not a celebrity person, yet I like a few woman out there such as Madonna of course A Jolie etc who have inspired me through out the years. Michelle to me has always resembled 'toughness' and a badass chick. I first discovered her of course when most people did after the "Girl Fight" movie she was in, but in "Fast and the Furious." I immeditly thought she was hot shit the fact that she could be both badass, touch, and chick at the same time. I saw her personality right through her acting, just like Angelina. She has always been 1 of the people on my list that I have wanted to meet in my life.
So the security were assholes and I managed to get into the DJ booth, but unfor they kicked everybody out except Michelle's friends and the Creaters of GO Mag. I still had a little bit of hope and waited around the DJ both for the remaining hour she was on... These girls and I were being so silly, that we thought michelle would leave thro the back doors so it was my idea after they kicked everybody out of the vip area eventually when she was about ready to finish her set to wait back there. Then 1 of the girls has the idea to hide in a garbage can, that got rediculous bc we got caught and I managed to be slick and pretended I was looking for my ATM card as the machine was in that back alley way area of M2 lounge.
So thats the moment we thought our chance was over, we thought she had left, only to find that she indeed didn't and the next thing we knew, she finished her set and called US up to the DJ booth. She said, "Hey, you 6 come up" There was still enough people at M2 to bombard her so instead of her coming down to greet us, she invited us up to her, even better...
I was the first of course to run up the steps, as the security at first STILL against her wishes wasn't letting us go up until she started yelling at them lol... I waited till the other girls met her like I was a little kid again waiting to meet Santa, and then it was my turn.
I told her how she inspired me to do triathlons and push myself in everything in my life to the limit as I always viewed her as a symbol of 'toughness.' She thanked me and shook my hand and I gave her my private training card and told her I was a pt. She checked out my arms and bas body and told me to make a muscle, that I found to be funny. She then proceeds to lift up her shirt to show me unwillingly her 'six pac' I still had a better 1 sorry Michelle ... lol. But she is def in great shape and very pretty. Her energy is amazing and I felt it right when I met her, she actually is very similar to myself in the fact she is adventours, as risk taker, and loves skydiving, even though by this point I consider the skydiving my past time bc I have been 3x unless Pam Paige really wants me to go with her...
So yea, what a nite that was, I def felt that high in the same way when I met Alicia Keys there in Dec. Was def a cool moment and I am glad I went. :D
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